Fee Information
(Correct as at 1st April 2024)
Fees are set at the Annual General Meeting held in February each year and are payable by 1st April of the same year.
Membership classification determined by age is based on Member age on 1st April of the upcoming season.
There are very few additional expenses attached membership. As well at contributing to Club overheads, Fees cover play on the green, usage of lockers, fobs for access to the Club, coaching sessions with our qualified and PVG certified Coaches, competition entry, meals and hospitality drinks at friendly matches.
Subject to Board agreement and availability (usually outwith the playing season) Members can also make use of the premises for private functions, without charge.
One-off Joining Fee – £50
Annual Full Membership Fee – £180
Annual Intermediate Membership Fee – £85
(Open to Members aged between 16 years and 23 years old)
Annual Junior Membership Fee – £30
(Open to Members aged less than 16 years old)
Annual Non-Playing Membership Fee – £30
(Open ONLY to Full Members of FIVE years standing)
What to expect from Membership
Our Club is managed and run entirely for Members by the Members.
So, you will get more out of the Club, through the more you put in.
Everything apart Green Contractor and Cleaning is done by volunteers, so please try to help out in any way you can.
Competitively lawn bowls in Scotland remains largely split between ladies and gents. Our Club reflects this by having Ladies and Gents Playing Sections, although some mixed competitions and games are also enjoyed. The Gents’ Section run a Monday evening competition – The Umbrellas – in which players draw to determine their team mates and opposition. Scores are tallied across the season to establish the prizewinners. A token payment is made to provide a “sweep” prize for each evening. The Ladies Section’ run similar “Points” competitions most weekday afternoons, some of which are “mixed”
Play bowls at whatever standard you want – socially, competitively or both. It is a simple game, enjoyed by all ages
Play in ties to test ability against others
Play in Umbrellas/Points and get to know folk and you will soon get to know the different ability levels, with no risk of feeling out of place and with plenty of encouragement on how to improve.
Play in Friendlies against other Clubs – good fun and competitive without being serious – sociable, friendly and a free meal…
Play in internal one-day competitions – excellent competitive games and very sociable.
Please buy a pair of bowling shoes – these are necessary for damage free play on the fine grass playing surface.
Consider buying a Club Polo Shirt (current price £32.50 – name embroidery can be arranged privately and locally)
Hold off from buying bowls until you know what suits you – we have many types and sizes of bowls in the shed to use.
Learn the Laws of the Game and Rules of the Club – that will stand you in great stead – and perhaps put you in a better place than many existing members!
Go to coaching – you will learn techniques to practice, some of the etiquette expected and practical examples of the Laws of the Game
Learn to use the Rink Booking System, Fobs, Lockers.
Come along and enjoy the relaxing facilities and surroundings.
Follow the Club on Social Media – https://www.facebook.com/LenzieBowlingClub/
Ask Questions – everyone has been in the same boat.
Social and Health Benefits
Lawn bowls is a game that can be enjoyed by young and old alike and, over the years, has proven to be a great family activity played in a safe and welcoming environment. The sport is often misconstrued as older person’s game, but it is often the younger members, and those who started playing at a young age, who are most successful. Many people take up the game when they retire and quickly wish they had taken up bowls at a younger age.
It is widely recognised that lawn bowls is also an excellent activity for both physical and mental health. Bowls truly is the “sport for all”. It can be played by all ages, abilities and sexes – making it the perfect sport for all members of your family to enjoy together. Like all sports, the object of bowls is essentially simple, but to be able to play consistently well demands determination, concentration and practice. Bowls is a sport for life – just try it! It has been medically proven that bowls improves your general health and helps to strengthen the immune system. Bowls is not just a sport, you can also have a varied and active social life at your local club. It is the ideal sport for meeting new people, socialising, and meeting new challenges head-on.
Whilst we have had a very healthy level of competitive success at Lenzie BC over our 150+ year history, the bigger success has been the fellowship that our members enjoy. If lawn bowls is something that you or your family would like to explore further through membership of our Club, please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss further. A taster session can be arranged with our qualified and PVG checked coaches if desired.